Sunday, February 10, 2008

Barack Obama is genuine & inspirational

Watch Barack Obama !! Click the weblink of a video clip below or click on my Blog!! It's just another speech ...

I don't easily give in to politicians for their rhetoric, this person however is genuine. He's transformational and good for the people of United States and the humanity at large. He's not the seasoned politician. That's why common people are rallying around him.

Hillary Clinton is decent too and a woman of her calibre striving for the presidency is a tremendously welcome change in this century of women. But in my assessment, as a presidential candidate, Obama is something else. The ideal and dream team would be Barack Obama for the President and Hillary with all her experience and record as the Vice-president of the United States. It's not as effective however the other way round if anyone argues so. We need a visionary and genuine person with greater leadership traits at the helm. Hillary can meet her wish to contibute in the team. Obama is a team player and respects Hillary or other people of genuine agenda for people.

I'll dialogue with people about Barack Obama with passion. I have watched both Obama and Hillary closely. There's need for people to support this historic transitional time in politics - indeed a time for change we can believe. Turning away from the national politics is not the answer this time, a clear judgement at this crucial time is. Else, we end up with unnecessary wars, weak economy and a loss of human ideals that has indisputably affected us all in ways still unfolding. We must enter the new era of human justice and empowerment in every sphere of our lives and society.

Thanks for your time.

