Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ex-lover's compassion

We find the depth and concern portrayed in this song largely lacking in modern relations. It's hidden as a potential in us nevertheless ..
A bewildered ex-lover sings this song for his recently widowed beloved who's spending sleepless nights of sorrow:
Ram kare aisa ho jaaye ...
"Wish the gods make this miracle happen
That my sleep gets into your sleepless eyes
As I keep awake, you sleep deep."Love singing this song. But it needs a heart to sing ... and a person to sing for .. :-) . And look at the magical setting and cinematography of this movie.. such powerful frames..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful song, beautiful words. Thanks for reminding me of the song.

There is one more song on similar note, which I could not find online. It is sung by Rafi and the lyrics goes like this

Tukde hain mere dil ke ay yaar tere ansoon
Dekhe nahin jaaten hain dildaar tere ansoon.

This song has been one of my favorites' from a very a young age - the gentleness and love expressed in the song is very touching.