Sunday, February 10, 2008

Barack Obama is genuine & inspirational

Watch Barack Obama !! Click the weblink of a video clip below or click on my Blog!! It's just another speech ...

I don't easily give in to politicians for their rhetoric, this person however is genuine. He's transformational and good for the people of United States and the humanity at large. He's not the seasoned politician. That's why common people are rallying around him.

Hillary Clinton is decent too and a woman of her calibre striving for the presidency is a tremendously welcome change in this century of women. But in my assessment, as a presidential candidate, Obama is something else. The ideal and dream team would be Barack Obama for the President and Hillary with all her experience and record as the Vice-president of the United States. It's not as effective however the other way round if anyone argues so. We need a visionary and genuine person with greater leadership traits at the helm. Hillary can meet her wish to contibute in the team. Obama is a team player and respects Hillary or other people of genuine agenda for people.

I'll dialogue with people about Barack Obama with passion. I have watched both Obama and Hillary closely. There's need for people to support this historic transitional time in politics - indeed a time for change we can believe. Turning away from the national politics is not the answer this time, a clear judgement at this crucial time is. Else, we end up with unnecessary wars, weak economy and a loss of human ideals that has indisputably affected us all in ways still unfolding. We must enter the new era of human justice and empowerment in every sphere of our lives and society.

Thanks for your time.



Monday, January 28, 2008

Rare & precious moments of love in a family

My youngest sister use to sing this song beautifully in her lovely voice when we were kids.. Great lyrics.. also watch the love between daughter and father..

Friday, January 4, 2008

Listen to my heart, or let me be silent

I immerse in this song every bit. All emotions fuse with the conscientious character singing this unparalleled song .

The gentleman singing it calls himself a poet or a writer of "blood, sweat, and tears" He sings thoughtful of a young woman (his love) who grows up in an affluent family deprived of any love in life. Her father had completely shunned her since birth because as she was born, her mother died whom the father loved immensely. He held his little daughter responsible for the loss of his love.

I'm sure many deprived of love in life would identify with it. Here's a provisional translation of the song:

Listen to my heart o the people of this world, or let me be quiet.
How can I confuse sorrow for happiness, let those who claim so go on ..

Alas, such a flower blossomed in this garden
where the gardener's gaze didn't have love.
Have seen so much in the name of happiness
Now if the tears flow, let them.

She has never seen a dream of happiness
Even if she saw once, has already forgotten.
You couldn't give her anything she asked for
Now let her bear the pain you gave.

Who can claim to share the pain of a suffering one.
No one has such depth of sorrow.
Let the flowing tears flow even more
Let her feel a little relief in those tears.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

My heart says something ... No.. not really !! - A silent melody that spells magic

Pathos in this song has indescribable beauty.. the expression of a solitary shy girl telling her emotions to the nature.. seems like the untold inner conversation of countless such human lives

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Can't spend this endless night of seperation ! - the melody, lyrics, acting and the setting .. all a rich experience

The daughter sings a song she learned from her father who worshiped music and poetry. In the song, she is reminiscing and misses her mother who passed away a few years back. Her singing brings back the memory in her ailing father and he joins in. She comforts her father in his concluding days who suffers from a life-threatening disease ..

Such richness and depth in seemingly ordinary lives ?!! Unbelievable ..

Friday, November 23, 2007

Re-living an unforgettable melody ...

I'm a hopeless romantic and this melody has had profoundly haunting effect on me. The totality of its music and ideas in the lyrics take you deep into a hidden yet familiar dimension within. I know that this melody has touched millions of hearts. Friends often have asked me to sing it and I find myself humming it frequently ... especiallythe sound of the shower does wonders in bringing it out. Thought I'll record my unplugged version of this great melody.

The song carries the idea that life with its relationships is essentially eternal. Love that we may feel for someone is profound, extending beyond surface into inconceivable depths. We're mostly unaware of this deep past (and hence its continuation into future) that we share, that makes us feel romantic in unexplainable ways.

The lyrics go...

Neither you know me, nor I'm familiar with me.
But I feel as if I have met my Humdum (soulmate until the last breath).

The nature and the night are quiet.
The lips are speechless as well.
The silence itself seems to be telling a story,
As I look at you with the language of my heart.

Neither you know me, nor I'm familiar with me.
But I feel as if I have met my Humdum.

For the original song click:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Born to be Free

We composed this song days before Nelson Mandela's release from prison as a tribute to his victory. Mandela was released from prison on Feb 11, 1990 and exactly two years later the greatest thing occurred in my life.

This was the first and the only shot we
-the Architypes - had as a band in writing, composing and recording songs (We only had a night to finish ... phew !!). I guess the songs came from our heart of indisputable admiration for Mandela as a champion of freedom and justice. I didn't know at that time that I would soon after meet my life-mentor Daisaku Ikeda on Feb 11, 1992 at the Siri Fort Auditorium in New Delhi, India. Only weeks before, our band had played to a full audience in this auditorium. How rhythmic !! It was a transforming point in my life. Both Mandela and Ikeda are world leaders and friends and have dialogued on a number of occasions. They both defend and advance the cause of freedom and empowerment for people in their own life arenas. I wanted to do my part as a token of appreciation for great inspiring life-examples.

The lyrics go ...

My words are only for those who care
Guided by the winds of yesteryears
My time has come and gone, I'm living on
A prisoner of time - the world left behind

Those sullen walls around my only friend
Standing by me in mute defense.
Cracks on the floor and walls, lines on my face
Thirty years behind, and the sunsets of my mind

You were born to be
Like the restless wind,
You were born, born to be free

Architypes line-up for this song:

Harsh Mishra - lead vocals & rhythm guitar
RC Joshi - bass, lead guitar & vocals
Anil Nangla - drums
Sawan Dutta - keyboards & vocals (not seen here)

Other key members of Architypes who could not be a part of this recording:

Indrajit Dutta - lead guitar & vocals
Pauly - drums
Shailesh Dongre - keyboards