Friday, November 23, 2007

Re-living an unforgettable melody ...

I'm a hopeless romantic and this melody has had profoundly haunting effect on me. The totality of its music and ideas in the lyrics take you deep into a hidden yet familiar dimension within. I know that this melody has touched millions of hearts. Friends often have asked me to sing it and I find myself humming it frequently ... especiallythe sound of the shower does wonders in bringing it out. Thought I'll record my unplugged version of this great melody.

The song carries the idea that life with its relationships is essentially eternal. Love that we may feel for someone is profound, extending beyond surface into inconceivable depths. We're mostly unaware of this deep past (and hence its continuation into future) that we share, that makes us feel romantic in unexplainable ways.

The lyrics go...

Neither you know me, nor I'm familiar with me.
But I feel as if I have met my Humdum (soulmate until the last breath).

The nature and the night are quiet.
The lips are speechless as well.
The silence itself seems to be telling a story,
As I look at you with the language of my heart.

Neither you know me, nor I'm familiar with me.
But I feel as if I have met my Humdum.

For the original song click:

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