Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I wrote and composed this song in 1989. It is a song of hope symbolized by a bright star that breaks you free from despair and pulls you closer to infinite possibilities in life.

Around this time, I produced several songs. A friend and I wrote, composed, arranged and recorded these for a demo. It all happened in New Delhi. As an amateur musician, it was my first attempt at composing & song-writing.

Basically, used up all student savings to experiment at a basic 8-track studio. Somewhere down the line though, I got disillusioned by the commercial aspect of music, lost enthusiasm and a year later, moved to US.

I intend to revive my interests, refine these songs and compose new ones. But this time I have a different agenda. Since music is to create harmony, friendship and peace among living beings on our planet, I wish my music can inspire someone.

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