Friday, November 23, 2007

Re-living an unforgettable melody ...

I'm a hopeless romantic and this melody has had profoundly haunting effect on me. The totality of its music and ideas in the lyrics take you deep into a hidden yet familiar dimension within. I know that this melody has touched millions of hearts. Friends often have asked me to sing it and I find myself humming it frequently ... especiallythe sound of the shower does wonders in bringing it out. Thought I'll record my unplugged version of this great melody.

The song carries the idea that life with its relationships is essentially eternal. Love that we may feel for someone is profound, extending beyond surface into inconceivable depths. We're mostly unaware of this deep past (and hence its continuation into future) that we share, that makes us feel romantic in unexplainable ways.

The lyrics go...

Neither you know me, nor I'm familiar with me.
But I feel as if I have met my Humdum (soulmate until the last breath).

The nature and the night are quiet.
The lips are speechless as well.
The silence itself seems to be telling a story,
As I look at you with the language of my heart.

Neither you know me, nor I'm familiar with me.
But I feel as if I have met my Humdum.

For the original song click:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Born to be Free

We composed this song days before Nelson Mandela's release from prison as a tribute to his victory. Mandela was released from prison on Feb 11, 1990 and exactly two years later the greatest thing occurred in my life.

This was the first and the only shot we
-the Architypes - had as a band in writing, composing and recording songs (We only had a night to finish ... phew !!). I guess the songs came from our heart of indisputable admiration for Mandela as a champion of freedom and justice. I didn't know at that time that I would soon after meet my life-mentor Daisaku Ikeda on Feb 11, 1992 at the Siri Fort Auditorium in New Delhi, India. Only weeks before, our band had played to a full audience in this auditorium. How rhythmic !! It was a transforming point in my life. Both Mandela and Ikeda are world leaders and friends and have dialogued on a number of occasions. They both defend and advance the cause of freedom and empowerment for people in their own life arenas. I wanted to do my part as a token of appreciation for great inspiring life-examples.

The lyrics go ...

My words are only for those who care
Guided by the winds of yesteryears
My time has come and gone, I'm living on
A prisoner of time - the world left behind

Those sullen walls around my only friend
Standing by me in mute defense.
Cracks on the floor and walls, lines on my face
Thirty years behind, and the sunsets of my mind

You were born to be
Like the restless wind,
You were born, born to be free

Architypes line-up for this song:

Harsh Mishra - lead vocals & rhythm guitar
RC Joshi - bass, lead guitar & vocals
Anil Nangla - drums
Sawan Dutta - keyboards & vocals (not seen here)

Other key members of Architypes who could not be a part of this recording:

Indrajit Dutta - lead guitar & vocals
Pauly - drums
Shailesh Dongre - keyboards


I wrote and composed this song in 1989. It is a song of hope symbolized by a bright star that breaks you free from despair and pulls you closer to infinite possibilities in life.

Around this time, I produced several songs. A friend and I wrote, composed, arranged and recorded these for a demo. It all happened in New Delhi. As an amateur musician, it was my first attempt at composing & song-writing.

Basically, used up all student savings to experiment at a basic 8-track studio. Somewhere down the line though, I got disillusioned by the commercial aspect of music, lost enthusiasm and a year later, moved to US.

I intend to revive my interests, refine these songs and compose new ones. But this time I have a different agenda. Since music is to create harmony, friendship and peace among living beings on our planet, I wish my music can inspire someone.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Reminiscing the woman from past..

Someone so much like her.. even simpler and more innocent.. had stolen my heart .. Have never met her ever since.. Wherever you're, I wish the best for you !!